Antioch High School Bands

Percussion Ensemble
Marching Band
Wind Ensemble
Jazz Ensemble
Percussion Ensemble meets 1st hour every day to learn and refine Percussion specific technique, and also prepare the percussion parts to the various Concert Band music that will be performed on the concerts.
Advanced Wind Ensemble meets 8th hour every day to rehearse. This is an audition only group that features the top wind players in the school.
The Antioch Community High School Jazz Ensemble is an audition only group that features the top players in our school. The group includes the top woodwind and brass students, as well as guitar, bass, piano, and percussionists. For a more detailed bio, click here.
The award winning Marching Sequoits are the largest instrumental ensemble in the band department, and play several contests, concerts, parades, and football games throughout the summer and fall.
Symphonic Band
Symphonic Band meets 7th hour every day to rehearse music for concerts, contest, and other performance opportunities.
Concert Band
Concert Band meets 5th hour every day and is open to any student in the winds or in the school. All freshmen will start in this ensemble and have the opportunity to audition for Symphonic Band and Wind Ensemble for the next year.
For more information on other ensembles in the school, click here.